I always bless my children as my children, descendants, created for love, in love, never abandoned, never deprived of love, who live every moment for my love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Even from that mud , from that misery I can transform , change everything in light , because the world is null and nothing .→ I love my children , I know that my children love me, they already possess love , they do not bring out love because they are taken by the poverty and misery of the world .→ The world can not give you anything , it gives you only an empty , hypocrite , false , seductive , vain existence and life .→ Nothing gets lost or mislaid , because the world is nothing .→ Even the world will move away from you if it does not find prey , if it finds victorious men , who live in me and for me.
Relative arguments