I have created you for greatness and not for smallness, for certainty and not for insecurity, to look for me and nothing else, for the freedom of love in me and for me, as I live for all of you children.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ You make the thoughts go wrong , from insecure and uncertain bounds .→ Do not expose unsure or vain thoughts , which oblige you not to think to me, the loved father , who loves you with greatness and light .→ The origin of your insecurity is not me, it is you who seek in a world that cannot give certainties , which can only give seduction and deception .→ Every my child has uncertainties that are not his own , that the world has labeled , sculpted , he lives spotted by an useless label given him from the world , he must only be able to find me, my light , his light and his love .→ Now the Lord understands this insecurity .
→ With this negative experience and in this difficult path , every my son found in me the only answer and the only important eternity , he knew the world , the power , the seduction and the illusion of achieving what is impossible , because nonexistent , he looked at me, he saw that I am important , that every son is important for me, that the certainty which the love produces on every my son is important , and he found me in trust and abandonment .
→ I desire children in the light , of the light , not tormented , who do not drag the world behind them, who think me and who love me.→ When I see you in your weakness , in your pain , in the life that passes , that drags in the pain , I tell to leave every noise , every deception , the world and the flesh .→ Let me own you and drag you to me.→ The image that the world gives to my children makes them insecure and drags them into what is miserable .
→ Your whole life is busy , revolves around empty , non-existent things , nothingness , loses sight of existing things , such as my love for you, your love for me and the light of which you are in the presence .→ If the son looks inside himself silently , he begins to reflect with love , detached from what damages and fills his thoughts , his reason , his heart , finally he manages to find me, he is in my presence , he finds himself , me, his and my origins , he knows deeply the love , the light , the balance lost wandering in the inconstant world .→ In search of love over time , the divine being becomes corrupted and materialized , then recovers what he had lost , enriching himself in multiplicity .→ Nervous , habitual , profound emotional inconstancy is painful , lacking in self -confidence and in one 's own purposes , but it can always evolve in the search and in the pursuit of a better state .
Relative arguments