The wonder between me father and you children is in love, that is me, it is discovered every day falling in love with me as love, with my eternity, it is in the revelation, completeness, totality, and the realization of the ultimate end, God father.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Perceive the light of this lighthouse that guides you to me until you find me in the sweetness , beauty and love of your father .→ The efficiency of the game of the world , which from its inside inevitably becomes a tragedy , is so great that only those who discover their divine nature can defeat it.→ Cross the world and its darkness to discover that you and I are completely different , eternal , wonderful and blessed .→ You can and must choose me, if you want to discover the truth , your essential freedom , who you are , who I am , our love and the illusion of the world .→ At the end of this journey you discover eternal life and the fact that it has always attracted and guided you.
Relative arguments