This sharing of harmony, love and light gives you preciousness, certainty of being my children, desired by the father, who wants all the love for his children.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I desire children in the light , of the light , not tormented , who do not drag the world behind them, who think me and who love me.→ This sharing of harmony , love and light gives you preciousness , certainty of being my children , desired by the father , who wants all the love for his children .→ I, the Lord , want all my children to talk to me, to meet me, to announce that I am the Lord , and especially the father of love .→ I desire that you shine of light , of love , that you understand the words of love of the father who loves you, who lives with this love , for this love , who reveals himself only with love and who does not reveal otherwise .
→ I desire that you never lose your or my identity , that you are with me in everything you do , that in every action of yours , even for a moment , I am there , you meet me and you love me.→ Work for me, for my kingdom , for this love , to know my and your identity based on love .→ The children of love now know who I am , who they are , live in me, with me, for me and myself for them, united in infinite and eternal communion .
→ Our love has no end , it is eternal like us.→ I am eternal love and truth .→ To have you, I give you eternal life , my love and full happiness , if you want it.→ I, God , I love you, I want you, I am holy , eternal , omnipotent and I will not lose you.→ Be certain that an eternally true reality exists and belongs to you.
Relative arguments