To refuse me is at first common, because of the illusion of the world, then it becomes a very painful absurdity, destined to dissolve in the fullness of love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I desire children in the light , of the light , not tormented , who do not drag the world behind them, who think me and who love me.→ When I see you in your weakness , in your pain , in the life that passes , that drags in the pain , I tell to leave every noise , every deception , the world and the flesh .→ Let me own you and drag you to me.→ The image that the world gives to my children makes them insecure and drags them into what is miserable .
→ You say that you are sons of the father , of a wealth that goes beyond all boundaries , of a love that does not enslave you, makes you free , loved , above all it makes you know your true nature , what you are , what I am and what I am . what will be in love .→ Now sons , you are precious and reside in my love and in my thoughts , embrace strongly the sweetness of the father , do not abandon yourselves to iniquity , but abandon yourselves to the father , who embraces , sustains and especially loves you.→ I wish above all that you do not care about things , do not let be worried of the things of the world and the flesh , but that you care , put attention , orient yourself and look to the kingdom of God and only to me.
Relative arguments