Man needs to understand this love, my love, his love, can do it in silence, can not do it in a world full of noise, vanity, appearance, seduction, which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ In the world my children fight to affirm themselves , to fulfill themselves in love , they discover that I, the father , am there for them, with them, in hiding , in silence , they can see me, they find a light that is first small , then large , dazzling , which makes them mine and mine alone .→ The father , God , shines , wants bright sons , who never turn away from his love , who never cease to love and find him .→ I wanted , and not cruelty , that my child alone would seek me with what I put into his being son , that with his thoughts , heart , reason he would find , discover in joy me and the only beauty between me father and him child .→ Now the son must show himself strong in love , in light and in harmony , because he is the son of a strong father , he must discover his numerous quality , he must leave what makes him suffering , unsure , confused , causes pain and illness .
→ The phrase "No logic makes sense " falsifies itself , is absurd , negative self -referential , therefore there exists a valid logic .→ Going deeper into the examination of the causes , the painful imbalances originate in the structure of the world and the body , therefore in the devil or in God .→ If everything were temporary , silence would be too , therefore absolute silence is absurd , contradictory , unthinkable , impracticable .
Relative arguments