You are part of me, a loved, desired and wanted part.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → My hands reach out to embrace you and give myself to you.
- → My branches embrace you, head toward you and tighten you.
- → This love makes me a father who only loves, who wants to embrace you, to be with you and to love you.
- → I, the Lord God, I love you, I live for my children, I protect, I stand by you, and gently embrace my children.
- → Embrace the father.
- → You are happy, blessed by me, your father, dad, when I cuddle you with tenderness, love, I warm you in embracing you and feeling you mine.
- → Every child is desired, wanted and loved forever.
- → You are part of me, a loved, desired and wanted part.
- → My love overwhelms and makes you free, free to love, free in the knowledge towards me, free in joy, in a freedom that makes my children in the continuous desire to look for me, to love me, to be completely mine.
- → I want you to love me at every moment of the day and night, that your gaze does not rest on me with torment or difficulty, but rest on me with love, the great love that I have placed within you.
- → Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
- → I bless my children as part of me, precious to me in the light, in the joy, in the love, in this revelation, created by me, recognized by me in the joy, in the pain, in the certainty, in the uncertainty, in the fears, in fragility, in abandonment to me and always.
- → I, the Lord God, approach you children, I speak, shout, shout with love, force and greatness.
- → Because I am God father my voice will be penetrating, will shake you strongly, will enter you, will sweep you away and it will not confuse you.
- → The importance of being children is this strong union which makes you free, this harmony and complete relationship of love between me and you.
- → To get excited is to let out everything that is inside, in reason, in the heart, to let out from within a love so strong as to make every part of your being children tremble, shake and vibrate.
- → When man finds true love, love fills him, in his heart he reaches a degree of love so great, strong, that he cannot contain it, which is reflected on himself, on me, on every son and brother.
Relative arguments