Now the man finds the welfare, the harmony which he has sought in his life, he feels really free, in peace, in justice, in love, as a loved child, he knows with certainty to be loved, does not think to be useless, he walks and realizes with me.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ My children are fought , struggling in the vanity of confusion , not living in intelligence , living in misery , wandering in places , thoughts that do not exist , that they can not recognize , because every day the world seduces , fascinates them, makes them weak and fragile .→ Your whole life is busy , revolves around empty , non-existent things , nothingness , loses sight of existing things , such as my love for you, your love for me and the light of which you are in the presence .→ The realized son finally accomplished everything he wanted , for which he lived to know me, can understand the parts of his life he thought empty , he fills that nonexistent vacuum , he is completely alive , true , full , shining and brilliant .→ Now the man finds the welfare , the harmony which he has sought in his life , he feels really free , in peace , in justice , in love , as a loved child , he knows with certainty to be loved , does not think to be useless , he walks and realizes with me.
→ I have given man unlimited potential , but he must see it, desire it and activate it freely .→ Love is not content to love , it wants to be loved , and since love is a free act , you too must be free in order to love .→ The choice , if involuntary , is illusory , ambiguous , it is not free , it begins to be valid only after a certain level of observation and reflection .→ The path to knowledge and freedom requires a certain confidence in self and in the existence of truth .→ Your love for me, fully incorporated into who you are , will reveal to you the freedom hidden beyond the shackles and conditionings of the world .
→ Be convinced children , realized in their identity , aware of love , belonging to one father , who fall in love with me every day , recognize and possess light , know each other in light as well as in love , made for eternity and not for the world .→ In the world my children fight to affirm themselves , to fulfill themselves in love , they discover that I, the father , am there for them, with them, in hiding , in silence , they can see me, they find a light that is first small , then large , dazzling , which makes them mine and mine alone .
Relative arguments