Happy are you when you announce me, rejoice, rejoice in love, love, you are happy in the love that I announce and in the happiness of the gospel.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → The justice between me and you is not of the world, it is not reflected in guilt, it is of the spirit of the father, it is to have understanding of the relationship between me as father and you as sons, it is reflected, it spreads in the love that is not poor, not solitary, not superficial, it is deep, complete, that, if it is already known and possessed, it fills, transforms my son.
- → Every my child has intelligence, the gifts that I have put into his heart, in reason, in the world he encounters so many difficulties, lack of love, worries, uncertainties, at the right time he finds a certainty, must discover my gifts, found my gifts he can work, get great results and reach eternity.
Relative arguments