The gospel of God is to proclaim that the father always loves all his children, he is love and lives in love, that children cannot stand aside, they need love, because they are in essence love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Dear sons , seek love , goodness , peace and you will find me, flourish , do not let yourselves wither , shine , do not let yourselves be obscured , love continually , live for me, because I live for you, and do not let yourselves be struck by the iniquity of the world , which leads into darkness .→ Every my child has uncertainties that are not his own , that the world has labeled , sculpted , he lives spotted by an useless label given him from the world , he must only be able to find me, my light , his light and his love .→ If you know and live our love , nothing can strike you inside and you will experience perfection in the world .→ Think of me, love me, live with me and let the world go .
→ Keep in mind , remember , announce that I am alive , present , that I love every man like a child , similar , close , that the world is different , hostile , that he who ignores this truth believes that he belongs to the world , supports the work of world , hinders knowledge and love .
→ The truth is eternal , the illusion is temporary .→ The truth is eternal , unlimited , your essence , your root , your nature and your destiny .→ Knowledge , thought is indestructible , it cannot be annihilated , it has to be eternal .→ Only love , the knowledge of God overcomes the distance between the temporary world and the eternal world .→ The temporary being needs an eternal being that precedes it, contains it and goes beyond it.
→ You are always inside of me, you live in me.
Relative arguments