I want children who in a free, delicate, not overbearing, not forced way, know this infinite, this infinite love, this harmony of love, which they find within me, within them, know themselves, me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have, their love, to project their love towards me, the only father and lord.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I want children who in a free , delicate , not overbearing , not forced way , know this infinite , this infinite love , this harmony of love , which they find within me, within them, know themselves , me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have , their love , to project their love towards me, the only father and lord .
→ This is the time of love fully turned , projected , directed towards me, of announcement , of knowledge , of knowing me and my love , that my children know me as God , father , loved , desired , wanted as I desire and want them.
→ I, Lord God , can transform what is miserable , poor or evil , in riches , in joy , in goodness , I am yours , blessed in my greatness , as a father I love you, I wish you to turn to me with the measure of a father and the greatness of love .
→ You must mature the love you already have , reach my soul in silence , with love , not immediately , through experiences addressed to me and through a path , because you are imperfect .→ Live victoriously , because you are victorious , because your victory is my victory , and I, father and God , am already victorious .→ Do not be afraid to love , to live in love , to live for me, because the Lord comes with strength in your hearts , in your reason , and even in your reason for existence .→ Believe in me, because I am the truth .
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