Now say that I am anywhere to love you until you understand my face, my light, love, being children of just one father, that the father loves you, waits for you and will transform you, if you want, making you knowing that I live, exist, am everywhere for loving in pure, not seducing, not unreal, real, not inebriated, sober, clear, free and crystalline.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ My substance is pure and eternal .→ I wish you precious , special , loved children , I wish you to know me, pass through every doubt with love , making your life clear , pure, joyful to love me, your father and God .→ Pure and without bounds freedom makes them children .→ I, the Lord , am infinite beauty , wisdom , pure light , shining , the splendor of the living , of every living , gentle relief , the one who searches the depths of the soul , almighty , eternal , just and source of living water .
→ Now say that I am anywhere to love you until you understand my face , my light , love , being children of just one father , that the father loves you, waits for you and will transform you, if you want , making you knowing that I live , exist , am everywhere for loving in pure, not seducing , not unreal , real , not inebriated , sober , clear , free and crystalline .
→ This is true , pure, free love , that has joy , which is only the encounter , the link and the union with me God and father .→ If you know , understand what I feel for you and you for me, you will come to me, to the father , to the light , to love , to that love that makes you free , happy , possesses you in truth , in security , overcomes all boundaries and limits .→ You say that you are sons of the father , of a wealth that goes beyond all boundaries , of a love that does not enslave you, makes you free , loved , above all it makes you know your true nature , what you are , what I am and what I am . what will be in love .→ Living only as children in love , in joy , in the truth that I am , you are free , in love , generous and mine .
→ My words must not remain words , sound , they must be lived in the consistency , concreteness and substance of love for me.→ In everything I do , I act in truth , coherence , consistency , order , and clarity .→ Love between me and you is indispensable , it gives certainty , stability , coherence , it does not cheat and makes you free .
→ The truth is eternal , the illusion is temporary .→ The truth is eternal , unlimited , your essence , your root , your nature and your destiny .→ Knowledge , thought is indestructible , it cannot be annihilated , it has to be eternal .→ Only love , the knowledge of God overcomes the distance between the temporary world and the eternal world .→ The temporary being needs an eternal being that precedes it, contains it and goes beyond it.
Relative arguments