I, God, the all-powerful, the absolute, the eternal, the one who is, the fullness of being and love, love you, I always want you with me, I burn for you and I can't wait to have you.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ This path leads man to his real fullness , to minimize the world and any harmful conditioning .→ Know that I exist with all fullness of good , I am here present , I love you and I belong to you as you belong to me.→ For the good of all, announce me, tell them the fullness of my love , not to fear me, to see and contrast the illusion of the world .→ In the inevitable and unpleasant experience of uncertainty , of temporariness , of contradiction , you can conceive a state of greater fullness as a lack or necessity .
→ The world in which you believe you are living is only an illusion , it does not really exist , forever, it is an ephemeral kingdom , empty , subject to destruction .→ The nature of the world 's things is ephemeral , ambiguous .→ If you believe in me, in our bond , in indestructibility , you cannot take into account or worry about what is ephemeral .→ Act within yourself , think of me present , take me into account , speak to me, love me, listen to me, do not allow what is ephemeral to steal your attention .
Relative arguments