Work for me, for my kingdom, for this love, to know my and your identity based on love.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → Work for me, for my kingdom, for this love, to know my and your identity based on love.
- → Be convinced children, realized in their identity, aware of love, belonging to one father, who fall in love with me every day, recognize and possess light, know each other in light as well as in love, made for eternity and not for the world.
- → To be happy, to rejoice is the purpose of the father in seeing all the children aware of this unique revelation and identity.
- → Take possession of love, of you, of me, of this identity, of this eternity, which exists and is for you.
- → I do wonders in your heart, in your reason, in your thoughts, in your deepest identity, and in the dialogue between me and you.
- → My children are fought, struggling in the vanity of confusion, not living in intelligence, living in misery, wandering in places, thoughts that do not exist, that they can not recognize, because every day the world seduces, fascinates them, makes them weak and fragile.
- → Every day their life breaks apart, because they do not want to recognize what is visible and nonexistent.
- → The road to the world was difficult, hard, because my child had not yet known what he had inside from the origin, what was important.
- → My children must recognize the poverty, the misery of the world, which hurts them, look inside themselves, wonder who they are, where they come from, who they belong to, who I am, what our relationship is, look at the world, what surrounds them, they must recognize why they feel weak, fragile, without resources.
- → Be in me, as I am already in you.
Relative arguments