This is the time of love fully turned, projected, directed towards me, of announcement, of knowledge, of knowing me and my love, that my children know me as God, father, loved, desired, wanted as I desire and want them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ This is the time of love fully turned , projected , directed towards me, of announcement , of knowledge , of knowing me and my love , that my children know me as God , father , loved , desired , wanted as I desire and want them.
→ While the negative energy of the world stimulates your mental and physical structures , if you want , you can turn your attention to me, to the infinite father , and open yourself to my love .→ Orienting , turning , voluntarily directing the mind , knowledge , attention towards God , towards the presence and point of view of God , implies realizing how much you have ignored and neglected God , and recognizing the emptiness of the world .→ The child who recognizes the primacy of eternity notices that it is not easy to give it the attention it deserves , sees that the uncontrolled mind tends towards temporariness .
Relative arguments