Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ These thoughts , when they arise , usually belong to the world , which generates mud , overbearing and vanity .→ When the thoughts reappear , and I know that they reappear insistent and overbearing , they bring you to the world .→ Remove with all your strength the vanities , deceptions , seductions , arrogance of the world and of the flesh .→ Love me even in imperfection , without bullying , without putting obstacles and without resistance .→ In a world of risks and changes announce to the brothers the saving power of my word .
→ Man needs love , he was created for love , he is love in every part , he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is , who I am , he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world , from empty things , vain , illusory , which do not give love , which give only an apparent , fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself .
→ My sons are not created for misery or limited in love , they are loved , desired , desired by true love , created for wealth , greatness , special encounter with me as father , creatures , sons of light and not of darkness , of love and not of anger , of peace and not of rancour , of harmony and not of confusion .
Relative arguments