This is the time of love fully turned, projected, directed towards me, of announcement, of knowledge, of knowing me and my love, that my children know me as God, father, loved, desired, wanted as I desire and want them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ This accomplishment is the certainty of the man who feels loved , desired , wanted by me, who understands the love he has for me, that overcomes and brings him into my eternity of father .→ This is the time of love fully turned , projected , directed towards me, of announcement , of knowledge , of knowing me and my love , that my children know me as God , father , loved , desired , wanted as I desire and want them.→ My teachings lead to eternity , to my kingdom , where I live blessed , among the blessed , among those who have longed for me, desired and loved me.
Relative arguments