I have made you, created for me, for love, to live in love and to live for me in love.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → Announce the true, infinite love with courage and love, that I exist, am present, operating, alive, that I love from ever and forever, and that you all are my children.
- → Work for my kingdom with courage, conscience, joy, and fraternal love.
- → I want you to love me at every moment of the day and night, that your gaze does not rest on me with torment or difficulty, but rest on me with love, the great love that I have placed within you.
- → My child, I have created you, created in love, I have always called you by name, I have always been with you, without ever detaching myself, I have given you from the beginning intelligence, knowledge, love, all that you needed, of you I know everything, every difficulty, disturbance and worry.
- → Every my child has intelligence, the gifts that I have put into his heart, in reason, in the world he encounters so many difficulties, lack of love, worries, uncertainties, at the right time he finds a certainty, must discover my gifts, found my gifts he can work, get great results and reach eternity.
Relative arguments