Look and search beyond the world with all your strength and the world will dissolve before you.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → The invisible God hides, in hiding works, reveals with love to be sought, recognized and rediscovered.
- → I don't want the children to let themselves be taken by the snares of the world, of the flesh, by the flattery of that world that drags them and pushes them not to seek me, not to possess me, not to feel loved.
- → Every man seeks love, is convinced that he has found love, has gone absurd passages, that only confused and disappointed him.
- → Man can not do without such slavery, and for the need of love he searches for ways leading him to destruction.
- → The purpose, the end of my children's existence, is the love between me and them discovered, sought, recognized, appeared, accomplished and realized.
- → Even from that mud, from that misery I can transform, change everything in light, because the world is null and nothing.
- → I love my children, I know that my children love me, they already possess love, they do not bring out love because they are taken by the poverty and misery of the world.
- → The world can not give you anything, it gives you only an empty, hypocrite, false, seductive, vain existence and life.
- → Nothing gets lost or mislaid, because the world is nothing.
- → Even the world will move away from you if it does not find prey, if it finds victorious men, who live in me and for me.
Relative arguments