I don't want the children to let themselves be taken by the snares of the world, of the flesh, by the flattery of that world that drags them and pushes them not to seek me, not to possess me, not to feel loved.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Do not love , do not want for you and do not look for things or relationships that are vain , false , empty , apparent , not sincere .→ To search within the world for his solution is a trap , the root of ambiguity and illusion .→ I love you as you are , I accept how you love me now, your way of looking for me, and I take into account your difficulties .→ I allow the cosmic illusion to try to deceive you, because I know the unlimited potential I have placed in you.→ Knowledge seeks and postulates unity and truth , implies a unitary truth , goes beyond the composed structure of matter .
Relative arguments