My children turn, spin, fall on the same difficulties, they can't understand, they can't comprehend my nature, the essence of God the father, this love given, which is only for all of them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ My children turn , spin , fall on the same difficulties , they can 't understand , they can 't comprehend my nature , the essence of God the father , this love given , which is only for all of them.→ Their body , their face , their whole essence must be love and light for me.→ The son who recognizes me knows me in the face , in essence , knows all about me, love in all its truth and fullness .→ The father , the essence of the father , works wonders , even before we was he thought of us with love .
→ Every my child has intelligence , the gifts that I have put into his heart , in reason , in the world he encounters so many difficulties , lack of love , worries , uncertainties , at the right time he finds a certainty , must discover my gifts , found my gifts he can work , get great results and reach eternity .
→ It takes a very strong mind to hold the view of truth beyond the illusion of the world , which moves you away from the center .→ The strength of the world proclaims temporariness , tends to distance you from the truth , to chain you to its conditioning , to make you suffer .→ Love is the only thing that can last forever, it can be expressed in many different ways , but in the end it is strong , lasting , the key to eternity .→ Love is a gift that unites and makes you strong , a feeling that makes you feel alive and gives you the strength to face life 's challenges , a strength that inspires you to do great things and live with passion .→ I am always with you, even when you don 't know it, to listen , advise and encourage , to remind you that you are loved and that you are strong enough to face anything .
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