I want each child to seek and find the pure source of love, love, coherence, security, clarity and transparency.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → If no logic made sense, there would be no sense, no truth and no knowledge.
- → Not believing in the existence of truth means not believing in anything, believing in pure nothingness, in total absurdity.
- → The phrase "No logic makes sense" falsifies itself, is absurd, negative self-referential, therefore there exists a valid logic.
- → A negative self-referential phrase contradicts itself, is false, absurd, a logical trap, certifies its negation and tries to deny the absolute.
- → The opposites of negative self-referential phrases are true in an absolute, unconditional way.
- → Be certain that an eternally true reality exists and belongs to you.
- → Remember the illusion of the world, of fearing nothing, of going through the difficulties like a game, remember that nothing temporary is consistent.
- → Think of me, he who was never born, cannot die, nothing fears, does not waver, always is, lives and loves fully.
- → If everything were temporary, nothing would make sense, knowledge would be annihilated with all consideration, value and hope.
- → Denying that truth exists is tantamount to believing that nothing exists or makes sense, up to the extreme consequence of affirming absolute nothingness.
Relative arguments