Man needs to understand this love, my love, his love, can do it in silence, can not do it in a world full of noise, vanity, appearance, seduction, which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I am the Lord God of the covenant , revelation , immortality , justice , love and peace .→ Every one of my children is reached by me in the small , great , eternal , things , he is not reached by me in the things of the world , which are not revelation .→ I want to love you and nothing else , to stay beside you and not to leave , to walk in this revelation and always with you.→ My teachings are dictated by love for you, that is not destroyed , forgotten , that does not die , which rises to lead you to me, which is revelation , resurgence of origin and end .
→ In the world my children fight to affirm themselves , to fulfill themselves in love , they discover that I, the father , am there for them, with them, in hiding , in silence , they can see me, they find a light that is first small , then large , dazzling , which makes them mine and mine alone .
→ My children get involved in a pitiful , useless world , that seduces and then destroys them.→ Yet you let yourselves be involved in a world built on null, empty elements , in which there is nothing , absolutely nothing .→ Do not be fooled by the world , because in that state you can not be happy , in joy , because the world seduces and destroys .→ I will not leave you alone .→ If you love me, you can give me the center of your attention , put me first in you and leave material things in the background .
Relative arguments