What belongs to the world neglects eternal things, immortal for me, which are not eternal, are not immortal for the world, it is vanity, illusory, it neglects my son, love, thought, good, justice, peace , involves my son with insistence , takes away my son's reason, heart, harasses my son in thought, heart, reason, makes my son possess things that first seem beautiful in appearance, then turn out to be empty, poor.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Yet you let yourselves be involved in a world built on null, empty elements , in which there is nothing , absolutely nothing .→ This emptiness , this absence of substance , of reason , of heart , makes you slaves , prisoners of an empty world , which makes you believe you are deficient , exploits your deficiencies , makes you do what it wants .→ In the world my children fight to affirm themselves , to fulfill themselves in love , they discover that I, the father , am there for them, with them, in hiding , in silence , they can see me, they find a light that is first small , then large , dazzling , which makes them mine and mine alone .
→ My children must recognize the poverty , the misery of the world , which hurts them, look inside themselves , wonder who they are , where they come from, who they belong to, who I am , what our relationship is , look at the world , what surrounds them, they must recognize why they feel weak , fragile , without resources .
→ What belongs to the world neglects eternal things , immortal for me, which are not eternal , are not immortal for the world , it is vanity , illusory , it neglects my son , love , thought , good , justice , peace , involves my son with insistence , takes away my son 's reason , heart , harasses my son in thought , heart , reason , makes my son possess things that first seem beautiful in appearance , then turn out to be empty , poor .
→ What is relative , the world is temporary , deceptive , intentionally false , it must be understood for what it is , it must not be loved , desired , overestimated , it must be let go , it must be seen as non-existent , illusory and not feared .
→ I love you.→ For you, for your love , I operate in every way and always.→ The world , the whole cosmos , works to separate us with its illusion , but can not win our love , if you do not allow it.→ You can fight the whole cosmos if you want , because you belong to eternity and you are my son .→ Turn on and keep your love for me, think of me, let me live in you, and you'll see who you are .
→ Announce the true , infinite love with courage and love , that I exist , am present , operating , alive , that I love from ever and forever, and that you all are my children .→ Be vigilant , active and attentive to your brothers .→ Recognizing the existence of a dimension completely different from the world and one 's belonging to it is for man a titanic , necessary work in which he discovers who he is .→ Confidently remember me, our relationship , who we are , our unbridgeable difference from the world , how the world works to obscure your knowledge and unbalance you.
Relative arguments