To announce means to love, to be certain to possess my love, to possess the love you have for me, your father, your daddy, the only teacher, to dedicate yourself to true love, to rejoice in my living, true presence, which has meant for you, to rejoice in my word, to announce to everyone that I exist, I am there, I love you, and you are my sons.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ To announce means to love , to be certain to possess my love , to possess the love you have for me, your father , your daddy , the only teacher , to dedicate yourself to true love , to rejoice in my living , true presence , which has meant for you, to rejoice in my word , to announce to everyone that I exist , I am there , I love you, and you are my sons .
→ Announce the true , infinite love with courage and love , that I exist , am present , operating , alive , that I love from ever and forever, and that you all are my children .→ Be vigilant , active and attentive to your brothers .→ Recognizing the existence of a dimension completely different from the world and one 's belonging to it is for man a titanic , necessary work in which he discovers who he is .→ Confidently remember me, our relationship , who we are , our unbridgeable difference from the world , how the world works to obscure your knowledge and unbalance you.
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