Do not be afraid to love, to live in love, to live for me, because the Lord comes with strength in your hearts, in your reason, and even in your reason for existence.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ The world does everything , works in every way , with extraordinary efficiency , to distract you from me.→ If you understand who I am , how much I love you and what the world is , you can understand how much you mean to me.→ Every knowledge is the relationship between what is known and who knows , it is subjective , but my subjectivity expresses the absolute truth .→ If your knowledge tends to mine , you find the truth , and for that purpose you exist .→ Your destiny is to live and be as I am , and it will come true if and when you want it.→ When you reach a good level of truth you can no longer abandon it.
Relative arguments