Man needs to understand this love, my love, his love, can do it in silence, can not do it in a world full of noise, vanity, appearance, seduction, which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Your choices are not conscious , not dictated by heart or by reason , are dictated by the world that oppresses you, it deludes you, finally throws you away and destroys you.→ Think that your father never leaves you alone , that you have not been created to be prisoners , that you are free and children of the father .→ Now you know what can hurt you, what does not make you know me and you, who are love .→ Think also for a moment that you are never alone , that the father is with you, keeps you, that you are very precious .→ Think that your existence can not end or become reality in a self -destruct world .
→ Lean strongly on the foundation of what makes you sure , which is me, build in an eternal temple , in the father 's house , where justice , glory , love and light reign .→ I am always the father , the eternal spirit of the father who speaks in his will and gospel of love .→ The children of love now know who I am , who they are , live in me, with me, for me and myself for them, united in infinite and eternal communion .→ Happy are those who seek truth , who live in truth and recognize the absolute and eternal truth that I am .
→ In the world my children fight to affirm themselves , to fulfill themselves in love , they discover that I, the father , am there for them, with them, in hiding , in silence , they can see me, they find a light that is first small , then large , dazzling , which makes them mine and mine alone .
→ I am the father of life , I am goodness , eternal light , and principle without principle .→ I, the Lord God , am eternal light , that does not give you slavery , it gives you freedom and joy .→ I am the eternal verb , the star that fascinates each of you, the fiery fire and the spirit of love .→ I am the eternal verb and the word .→ Believe in me, the only God , eternal unity and freedom of love .
Relative arguments