I desire that you shine of light, of love, that you understand the words of love of the father who loves you, who lives with this love, for this love, who reveals himself only with love and who does not reveal otherwise.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ These thoughts , when they arise , usually belong to the world , which generates mud , overbearing and vanity .→ When the thoughts reappear , and I know that they reappear insistent and overbearing , they bring you to the world .→ Remove with all your strength the vanities , deceptions , seductions , arrogance of the world and of the flesh .→ Love me even in imperfection , without bullying , without putting obstacles and without resistance .→ In a world of risks and changes announce to the brothers the saving power of my word .
Relative arguments