When I speak of love, I mean a formula of existence that appropriates the knowledge of mine, of your being, of infinite knowledge, going beyond a human plan, a formula of essential existence that is not explained in the world and that it only explains in me, God, master and father.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ If you come to that knowledge , you will arrive to me.→ Being loved , loving is the knowledge and the conviction of being part you of me and me of you.→ If you bring out all the love you have , you will be able to reach me in fullness , in light , in love , in essence , in knowledge , you will be part of me and you will enter my home .→ When I speak of love , I mean a formula of existence that appropriates the knowledge of mine , of your being , of infinite knowledge , going beyond a human plan , a formula of essential existence that is not explained in the world and that it only explains in me, God , master and father .→ The major habit is knowledge of me as a father , of them as children and creatures .
→ My children must recognize the poverty , the misery of the world , which hurts them, look inside themselves , wonder who they are , where they come from, who they belong to, who I am , what our relationship is , look at the world , what surrounds them, they must recognize why they feel weak , fragile , without resources .
Relative arguments