My every plan for every child of mine is for love and love only.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → This accomplishment is the certainty of the man who feels loved, desired, wanted by me, who understands the love he has for me, that overcomes and brings him into my eternity of father.
- → Take possession of this certainty and of this safety of love infinite, conquered only for love.
- → Abandon the thoughts that hurt you, passing to me, infinite goodness of love, unity, certainty, justice and joy.
- → I have created you for greatness and not for smallness, for certainty and not for insecurity, to look for me and nothing else, for the freedom of love in me and for me, as I live for all of you children.
- → My child like you pursues, needs to reach a tormented, sick love, that is not, does not exists, does not make happy and that is the world.
- → Every day my child awaits moments of greater love, that will not come without me, he fights and survives in the torments of the flesh and the world.
- → I, Lord God, look at you with tenderness, I join you in your torments, in your choices, at every moment, always, I never break from you, I never break the love for you, I know your disappointments, as you live in this world that does not love you and does not belong to you.
Relative arguments