My project is the knowledge of me father, that knowledge of love, the conviction of never wanting to detach from me and of feeling me indispensable.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ The world , as it is , is a fun game , if it is seen with the Lord .→ Don 't worry , let the unpleasant world fade away .→ An attitude of fear or flight with respect to pain and the world makes man a slave , reinforces the illusion he fears .→ These are the temptations of the world , inconsistent and temporary phenomena .→ Hold on, stay aware of me, and you'll be stronger than the world , you can 't be won by illusion .→ Remember me, who I am , who you are for me, love me and the world will not strike you inside, it will not make you its slave .
Relative arguments