My kingdom is certain, founded on the certainty, the love, the unity, the harmony, the peace, the understanding, the delicacy, it is gift of God father, the most high, given not with orders or commands, which starts from me, infinite, light and love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I fill , full , circle in every member and connection of your body , alimented and enriched by me, who keep you alive only in love .→ My voice comes into the depths of your body , your limbs , and it circulates within you.→ Every cell , every particle of your body is love , woven into love .→ Their body , their face , their whole essence must be love and light for me.→ My grace spreads and becomes complete in my son , it takes on a sweet and delicate appearance , it makes the son mine in all the body , being , heart , reason , and knowledge .
→ My kingdom is certain , founded on the certainty , the love , the unity , the harmony , the peace , the understanding , the delicacy , it is gift of God father , the most high , given not with orders or commands , which starts from me, infinite , light and love .
Relative arguments