Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Man needs love , he was created for love , he is love in every part , he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is , who I am , he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world , from empty things , vain , illusory , which do not give love , which give only an apparent , fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself .
→ Think of me intensely , with love , and what is temporary will not touch you, you will be invulnerable .→ You are the lord , master and responsible for this choice , your inner state , your way of being .→ Act within yourself , think of me present , take me into account , speak to me, love me, listen to me, do not allow what is ephemeral to steal your attention .→ Consider me the full truth , what all your love deserves .→ I'm your greatest good , don 't neglect me, don 't forget me.
→ To tempt the things of the world , or to hope that they will move the way you want them to, is still unsatisfactory because of their nature .→ Pursuing what is uncertain is only and always disappointing , a waste of time and energy .→ My certainty and truth , I know that you fully exist and I yearn for you and I belong beyond all illusions .→ Every suffering calls you to return aware , to remember that every event in the world is empty , evanescent , non-existent , and we are real , eternal .→ The cosmic illusion continually attacks you through all that of it to which you attach yourself , beginning with the body , yet this illusion , however great it may be , can do nothing to you.
Relative arguments