I want children who in a free, delicate, not overbearing, not forced way, know this infinite, this infinite love, this harmony of love, which they find within me, within them, know themselves, me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have, their love, to project their love towards me, the only father and lord.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Man can intervene in his existence , listen , feel in him because I have given him intelligence , heart , and reason .→ With intelligence you move , think , love , every big or small part of you, every member has been made and created .→ You are full of intelligence , love and light .→ Love makes you walk freely , in intelligence , eternity , harmony and light .
→ I want children who in a free , delicate , not overbearing , not forced way , know this infinite , this infinite love , this harmony of love , which they find within me, within them, know themselves , me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have , their love , to project their love towards me, the only father and lord .
→ For me, it is better to see my son worrying sweetly for me and not brutally for the world .→ I could do differently and make you mine directly .→ I have leaved my children free of search , discover , find me, that every man would seek me freely and in a personal way .→ I could accomplish everything done from the beginning and immediately .→ I wanted , and not cruelty , that my child alone would seek me with what I put into his being son , that with his thoughts , heart , reason he would find , discover in joy me and the only beauty between me father and him child .
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