Love me and make me loved.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → I, the Lord God, am always next to my children and do not leave them, because they are precious.
- → If you, my sons, bless everyone, give abundantly and love as I do, you will shine.
- → The Lord loves you in the greatness of his love, because the Lord is great in love.
- → Do not be vagrant because you are abundantly rich.
- → Happy are those who are in the light, who shine with me in the great light, that covers them and that makes them mine.
- → You are precious in all that I have done for you and designed for this preciousness.
- → I have in store for every my child great, not small, and immense things to the point that you will not want to go back.
- → Choose the invisible, the father, love, light, peace, justice, harmony, clarity, perfection, immortality, and eternity.
Recurrences in the text
- → Love me and make me loved.
- → Wish me and make me desired.
- → Think about me and make me thought.
- → Enjoy and make enjoying in me.
- → You children are precious to me.
- → I, the Lord God, open the seals of the heart, where the impenetrability of my love comes out and makes precious the life of everyone.
- → My children are precious.
- → For this strong love for them I trace what is lost in something precious.
- → Choose the invisible, the father, love, light, peace, justice, harmony, clarity, perfection, immortality, and eternity.
- → Every child is my creature, wonderful, precious and extraordinary for me.
- → Choose me always and in love.
- → Stay with me.
Relative arguments