Now the man finds the welfare, the harmony which he has sought in his life, he feels really free, in peace, in justice, in love, as a loved child, he knows with certainty to be loved, does not think to be useless, he walks and realizes with me.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
Recurrences in the text
→ Now the man finds the welfare , the harmony which he has sought in his life , he feels really free , in peace , in justice , in love , as a loved child , he knows with certainty to be loved , does not think to be useless , he walks and realizes with me.→ This is the habit that makes you free and mine .→ My sons are free to act and to love .→ Do not neglect love .→ The Lord will release you with love .→ I guide you with motherly hand , I leave you free , I am close to my sons , I am the sweet song of love and the pure sound of all beings .→ I am the father who gave you the gift of being able to live not in slavery , not in fear , but in freedom , in the joy of children , of my children .→ You can not write .→ You do not have to write .→ You are free to do it.→ Freedom , light and love shine in you.→ You are free to do it or not.→ You are free , I do not want to force you.→ I love you and I want you freely .→ Love is a free act .Relative arguments