The announcement is harmony, love that goes beyond every limit, every border, that makes you free and mine.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → Their existence, completeness and union is in the father.
- → My children who are not yet completely in the light, who see little light, climb, wander around the world in search of light, love, are in search of themselves, of me, of the meaning of their existence and life.
- → I have ever said that love in all his substance and existence is all for me, it is part of me, I said that I am the good father who does not accuse or discourage his sons in their weakness, who encourages his sons to the knowledge, which is the unique truth between me and them, to have confidence, to live every moment for me as father, true, intense love, this relationship, bond with me in serenity and in truth.
- → I can love you everywhere, but love is uncertain in bodies, in sensations, in what is temporary, it is certain in what is eternal.
- → Observe your brothers with my love, as eternal souls, at worst lost in the world, not as bodies, distinguish the eternal and the insubstantial.
- → The world, the body and the mind collaborate in producing the experience of mutability and dragging man into the unawareness of eternity.
- → If you don't face it, the illusion of the world and the body robs you of awareness of you and me, enslaves you and crushes you with pain.
- → Guilt and fragility belong to the world and the body, they do not belong to the divine nature with which you were created.
- → Keep in mind, remember, announce that I am alive, present, that I love every man like a child, similar, close, that the world is different, hostile, that he who ignores this truth believes that he belongs to the world, supports the work of world, hinders knowledge and love.
Relative arguments