My children turn, spin, fall on the same difficulties, they can't understand, they can't comprehend my nature, the essence of God the father, this love given, which is only for all of them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Every my child has intelligence , the gifts that I have put into his heart , in reason , in the world he encounters so many difficulties , lack of love , worries , uncertainties , at the right time he finds a certainty , must discover my gifts , found my gifts he can work , get great results and reach eternity .
→ The temporariness , fragility , pain and contradiction of being in the world are unacceptable to the divine nature of man .→ The knowledge of the contrast between my omnipotent and loving nature , and the enormous malignancy of the cosmos , shows you what I have given you from the beginning , my nature .→ The enormous difficulty that man has to solve is appropriate to his divine potential .→ The contrast between you and the world , the pain that the world imposes on you, is the stimulus to go beyond .→ If I, God , love you and allow you to face such a difficulty , my correctness implies that you are immense , divine , similar to me.→ Your experience of my opposite offers you the possibility to choose me with a love similar to mine , because you are similar to me, divine .
Relative arguments