I have created you for greatness and not for smallness, for certainty and not for insecurity, to look for me and nothing else, for the freedom of love in me and for me, as I live for all of you children.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Happy is the one who sees me as the purpose , the center , the root of his existence , of his life , of thoughts , of heart and of reason .→ Do not be afraid to love , to live in love , to live for me, because the Lord comes with strength in your hearts , in your reason , and even in your reason for existence .→ Another truth is that there are no other gods , I am God , one , father , master , and your only certainty .→ I am the eternal sovereign , the living God , the strength , the light , the fire , the fire of love , a fire that flows eternally , I live in you, exist from eternity and teach you to do things for love .
Relative arguments