The children of justice entertain each other, win over others in love, love like their father, manage to emanate light, have their whole being in light, in love, in peace, they see, hear, speak, act , they participate in equality, in prudence, above all in love and with the eyes of the father.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I am the only one in love , in certainty , in joy , in peace , the immortal being , the only teacher , the only God , the absolute essence of perfection , who does not deceive you and will not deceive you.→ Act in joy and peace .→ The children of justice entertain each other , win over others in love , love like their father , manage to emanate light , have their whole being in light , in love , in peace , they see , hear , speak , act , they participate in equality , in prudence , above all in love and with the eyes of the father .
→ Only I reveal to my children in the heart , in reason , every day , with delicacy to make me know in love , as a father , I have the revelation , I am God , the revelation , the teacher teaching with love , the father dealing with his children in understanding , in love , and who does not care about the mistakes of his children .
→ This pain , this illusion has no sense or outlet in itself , it is functional to your awakening , to ignite your intelligence and your love for the truth .→ The eternal being is dynamic , burning , delicate , immensity of energy , intelligence and above all love .→ I trust in the endless love and intelligence that I have placed in you so that you can defeat the deceptions of this world .→ Love with strength , with intelligence , with courage , intensely .
Relative arguments