Your choices are not conscious, not dictated by heart or by reason, are dictated by the world that oppresses you, it deludes you, finally throws you away and destroys you.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Every man can and must love and find the truth , but this forces him to face the great illusory and dissipating force of the world .→ If the truth seems to elude you, at that moment the illusion of the world overcomes your faith , but only temporarily .→ If you don 't face it, the illusion of the world and the body robs you of awareness of you and me, enslaves you and crushes you with pain .→ The choice , if involuntary , is illusory , ambiguous , it is not free , it begins to be valid only after a certain level of observation and reflection .
Relative arguments