I want my children to love me with the certainty of understanding that they are loved, that I am the only one who loves them strongly, with power and with all his being.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I, the Lord God , am the light , the life , the light of light , which in peace is revealed to you, am for you the true rest .→ I am the father , the light that lights your life , the one who listens to the cry of your heart and assists you.→ I am the father of love and goodness .→ I am the Lord and I lay on all hearts the sweet empire of my love .→ I am the rainbow of peace , ever-lit , shining lamp , tree of life and light of those who are mine .→ I am God , sweet light that fills , lights up, closer to you of yourself and more intimate than your intimate .
Relative arguments