Whoever loves and lives in love needs nothing because I, him, our love are enough, our love makes him free, realized, he completely understands my love, my being, all this light, he lives in this light, resides with me in light and in love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I, Lord God , look at you with tenderness , I join you in your torments , in your choices , at every moment , always, I never break from you, I never break the love for you, I know your disappointments , as you live in this world that does not love you and does not belong to you.→ When I see my tormented children , I understand their difficulties , that there is light but they do not see it, that I am there , but they prefer to me what belongs to the world and to the flesh .
→ I want the advertisement of me gentle , sweet , made with intelligence , aware of this eternal love and truth .→ My children are fought , struggling in the vanity of confusion , not living in intelligence , living in misery , wandering in places , thoughts that do not exist , that they can not recognize , because every day the world seduces , fascinates them, makes them weak and fragile .→ Manifest with intelligence and love .→ I am the lord of heaven and earth , the creator , the one who has in reason and memory the whole of existence , who has done , created and moves everything with intelligence .
Relative arguments