My children turn, spin, fall on the same difficulties, they can't understand, they can't comprehend my nature, the essence of God the father, this love given, which is only for all of them.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ Do not look for visible things , which do not last or last for a while .→ Look for the invisible that lasts forever.→ What is visible is only visible , not safety , never makes my children happy , because they live a confused and disordered love .→ The invisible God hides , in hiding works , reveals with love to be sought , recognized and rediscovered .→ The visible things bring pain , anguish and disappointment .→ Visual things seduce , disappoint , fascinate , destroy until you lose yours and my identity .
→ I live for you and you for me.
→ Even from that mud , from that misery I can transform , change everything in light , because the world is null and nothing .→ I love my children , I know that my children love me, they already possess love , they do not bring out love because they are taken by the poverty and misery of the world .→ The world can not give you anything , it gives you only an empty , hypocrite , false , seductive , vain existence and life .→ Nothing gets lost or mislaid , because the world is nothing .→ Even the world will move away from you if it does not find prey , if it finds victorious men , who live in me and for me.
→ I, the Lord God , speak to my children in silence , in joy , in sadness , continuously , with strength , and I wait for the brave ones who love me.→ Man needs to understand this love , my love , his love , can do it in silence , can not do it in a world full of noise , vanity , appearance , seduction , which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love .→ If you look in silence you will understand more importantly , what completes your existence , that apparent envelope which inebriates , imprisons you into an iniquitous and failing system .→ Stop and listen in the silence of life .
→ I, the Lord God , am always next to my children and do not leave them, because they are precious .→ Every son must leave the world behind , what makes him unstable , confused , and deprives him of the eternity that belongs to him .→ I do not let my children go , I'm next to my children , I drive , chase , watch , listen , and love my children .→ I want to love you and nothing else , to stay beside you and not to leave , to walk in this revelation and always with you.→ Getting away from the father means appropriating of what is not of my son and to leave to the world what is of my son .
Relative arguments