I bless my children as part of me, precious to me in the light, in the joy, in the love, in this revelation, created by me, recognized by me in the joy, in the pain, in the certainty, in the uncertainty, in the fears, in fragility, in abandonment to me and always.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I bless my children as part of me, precious to me in the light , in the joy , in the love , in this revelation , created by me, recognized by me in the joy , in the pain , in the certainty , in the uncertainty , in the fears , in fragility , in abandonment to me and always.
→ If you do not remember me, the world invades your conscience , conditions you, robs you of your transcendent nature , possesses you, makes you believe that you are similar , mortal , fragile .→ The truth cannot be defeated , for I am the almighty , the eternal , and I love you as my neighbor , son , similar to me, as myself .→ The difficulty of choice requires a love similar to mine , immense and unconditional .
Relative arguments