I, Lord God, can transform what is miserable, poor or evil, in riches, in joy, in goodness, I am yours, blessed in my greatness, as a father I love you, I wish you to turn to me with the measure of a father and the greatness of love.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I, Lord God , can transform what is miserable , poor or evil , in riches , in joy , in goodness , I am yours , blessed in my greatness , as a father I love you, I wish you to turn to me with the measure of a father and the greatness of love .
→ Perceive the light of this lighthouse that guides you to me until you find me in the sweetness , beauty and love of your father .→ The efficiency of the game of the world , which from its inside inevitably becomes a tragedy , is so great that only those who discover their divine nature can defeat it.→ Cross the world and its darkness to discover that you and I are completely different , eternal , wonderful and blessed .→ You can and must choose me, if you want to discover the truth , your essential freedom , who you are , who I am , our love and the illusion of the world .→ At the end of this journey you discover eternal life and the fact that it has always attracted and guided you.
Relative arguments