I want children who in a free, delicate, not overbearing, not forced way, know this infinite, this infinite love, this harmony of love, which they find within me, within them, know themselves, me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have, their love, to project their love towards me, the only father and lord.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ I want children who in a free , delicate , not overbearing , not forced way , know this infinite , this infinite love , this harmony of love , which they find within me, within them, know themselves , me, are able to understand my love for them, to find what they already have , their love , to project their love towards me, the only father and lord .
→ Dear sons , seek love , goodness , peace and you will find me, flourish , do not let yourselves wither , shine , do not let yourselves be obscured , love continually , live for me, because I live for you, and do not let yourselves be struck by the iniquity of the world , which leads into darkness .→ The children of light feel confident , aware of the light that invades them continuously , of their identity , of my identity , of that revelation , and live happy with me.→ I want your heart to rise to me like that of a child and to continue to miss me→ The illusion of evanescent pleasures and insistent fears wants to chain you in a painful , contradictory , apparently continuous temporality .
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