I want free children in love, in thoughts, who love me, who love, that they are always loved by me, for a long time and in time.
Above all love
A hidden inheritance
- of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica
- → Man needs love, he was created for love, he is love in every part, he must recognize what he has inside, he must know who he is, who I am, he can realize the truth by detaching himself from the world, from empty things , vain, illusory, which do not give love, which give only an apparent, fragile love which tends to destroy and destroy itself.
- → I bless my children as part of me, precious to me in the light, in the joy, in the love, in this revelation, created by me, recognized by me in the joy, in the pain, in the certainty, in the uncertainty, in the fears, in fragility, in abandonment to me and always.
Relative arguments