Now I, the Lord and Father, have known all that the world and the flesh has done to every one of my sons, I have seen and canceled all the pain that my sons have experienced in the world, the struggles of my sons for what they believed in the world, but it was not important.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ You already have my love , the treasure , the greatness that I have given you from the origins and when I thought of you. → My project is blossoming , the greatness of being children who are convinced to love and have pure thoughts .→ I am the soul and the greatness of love .→ Between me and my children the difference does not exist , there is in common the love , the greatness and the eternal destiny for which they were created .→ The purpose , the end of my children 's existence , is the love between me and them discovered , sought , recognized , appeared , accomplished and realized .
→ I, the Lord , am infinite beauty , wisdom , pure light , shining , the splendor of the living , of every living , gentle relief , the one who searches the depths of the soul , almighty , eternal , just and source of living water .
Relative arguments