I am powerful, strong God, wisdom, intelligence, full joy, light, especially total, comprehensible love, I am your everything, supreme essence and knowledge.
Above all love A hidden inheritance
of Francesco Arista and Antonella Molica Argument
→ You have to know and to recognize this love , that I love my children and that my children love me. → My spirit reflects the light , this harmony and the love that every man seeks .→ I want children who recognize this light and this love .→ Man needs to understand this love , my love , his love , can do it in silence , can not do it in a world full of noise , vanity , appearance , seduction , which makes him prisoner of a sick and not existent love .→ We are united by this light and this love .
→ I am the father of life , I am goodness , eternal light , and principle without principle .→ I, the Lord God , am eternal light , that does not give you slavery , it gives you freedom and joy .→ I am the eternal verb , the star that fascinates each of you, the fiery fire and the spirit of love .→ I am the eternal verb and the word .→ Believe in me, the only God , eternal unity and freedom of love .
Relative arguments